Tuesday, May 02, 2006


finally ... back to blogsphere, though I'm pretty sure I've lost 99% of my readers due to my inactivity. Exams are over, and so is this semester, and I'm looking forward to my 3 months vacation that begins today.

Well ... I'm not gonna indulge in the usual flurry of colourful holiday activities this time. I've made a small resolution to break off from life a little. Many things have happened since the year began, many things that i haven't seen or experienced before, things that set me thinking ...


for so long..
I've been going around doing things I thought I'd enjoy,
I've confided in people who I thought would care.
I've tried to lend my assistance to ppl whom I thought would appreciate,
And everytime, I strived to do what I thought was right.
Sometimes it brought me fulfilment, other times it left me empty and drained emotionally.

so ... im breaking off a little I guess, instead of searching for dreams outside of me, I'm looking within me.

I need a vacation, just me and my humble soul.
