Monday, May 08, 2006


Where lies the boundary between reality and illusion?
Is there a boundary to even start off with?
Or are realities meant to be blurred unpredicatably into the fields of the deceptive illusions?

I thought I had grasp it all, to understand this emotion after much studying and isolation. The reason was near, but the nearer it got the blurrer it became, until it completely faded when issues became the most convincing. It's there, but I can't reach it ... near yet far, real yet illusive.

I've spent time chasing after dreams. But was it meant to be? If good dreams were to end with a bad fall when the night fades, then I'd rather there be no dreams at all. We met, we laughed, we held on fast ... and then we said a silent goodbye. You may never know how i feel ... you don't need to anyway. We're all born with the ability to remember ... a talent or a curse in different time and context.

If the impact is deep, even the rains of time won't allow us to forget...

Maybe I'm asking too much of you.
Forgive me ...
I haven't forgotten my promise.

Indeed ... a dream that comes true, is not a real dream.
