Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Short Milk Discussion

The PRU Annual General Meeting ended pretty earlier today.

Due to the lack of attendance, it has been decided to postpone the nominations and elections of the squad leaders. I guess it's only fair that way ... since the nominated leaders will have a full year's term ahead of them, we should make their stepping up as formal and official as possible.

Went for my weekly 4km run around NUS campus tonight, around 11.30pm. First time i completed my route without stopping at all, feel so damn proud of myself. Now I'm ready for the next Army Half Marathon next year. Yay!

I shall increase the distance for my next running session.

Went to Cheers after my shower at YIH. Bought a 500ml carton of Magnolia fresh milk. I looked around for the ever-so-common "Low Fat" label on the carton, but cant find. So i guess this is a carton of "High Fat" milk. I drank it anyway, and damn it taste good.

Super Good.

Because of all the healthy Low Fat Milk in the market, I've forgotten the good taste of traditional High Fat Milk. Its really yum!

Conclusion: High Fat Milk taste better than Low Fat Milk
