Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Thinking Thru ...

Janus is stressed.

He's got mountains of work piled up high in his face, with barely enough time to even look through them. Maybe it's his time management skills, or maybe he's just plain lazy. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is stressed. Through the weekends, he has been stuck to his desk trying to chew down all the information from the lecture notes. That is, if he's not scribbling away at some tutorials or assignments dued in the coming week. It was weeks ago since he visited anywhere else other than school. Janus wonders if this is it to life, the constant routine of school and home which repeats itself every week. He also wonders why he is writing in third person. Janus thinks a lot when he has a little free time.

Janus wants a life. Or rather, he want more out of life away from the books and notes. He decides to find time to resume his weekly swim in NUS. He also hopes to catch a movie sometime this week. He especially wants to watch the picture "March of the Penguins". It is a documentary movie about penguins. Janus likes animals, and he likes documentaries, and he thinks penguins are pretty cute. He wonders who he should call along to accompany him. Maybe he can organise a gathering, or maybe he can date some girl out. Then after that, maybe he can do a little shopping in Takashimaya, and perhaps chat over a cup of coffee at a cafe.

Janus is going to attend the PRU (Public Relations Unit) Annual General Meeting this Friday. He wonders if he should run for any of the management committee posts. He doesn't want to be the new Chairperson or Vice-chairperson. He craves to do projects, and hopes to obtain a place in the new Student Leaders' Camp committee. He doesn't mind being the Project Director or Vice Project Director for the camp. However, Janus has another commitment in December, during the period of the camp. He might have to go for his jaw operation in December, and will probably be bedridden for a while. How is he to help out in the committee then? Janus is sad, he wants to help out in the committee, but he's also afraid to burden his friends if he really does have to be absent. He has been troubled with this matter for a while. He tried to make a decision, but he just couldn't seem to come up with any good solution. Maybe he needs a break, or maybe he needs a vacation.

